5 Stunning Smoky Eye Makeup Looks Every Girl Should Know

smokey eye makeup

5 Great eye makeup for stunning looks

 When it comes to beauty and style, there are some things that are just there for the time being because they’re fun, trendy and sexy right now, and there are those classy, sassy, timeless glam and fashion that stay and will never seem to get away.  Well, in the case of makeup, we’ve seen the smoky eyes fabulously still making the covers for years, and it’s not some makeup fad fading anytime soon.

So, if you’ve been dying for years now to get that look and never knew how, follow these simple steps to get not one but five ways to get smoky eyed:

1. Chunky Smoky

chunky smokey eyes

For this look, you will need a very dark eye grey or deep blue eye shadow.  Always start your smoky eyes by prepping your eyelids with a concealer.  It makes your eye makeup adhere better and stay in place all day or all night.  Line your upper and lower lids with a gel-based black eye liner.  Follow through the lines with a pencil eye liner.  The top of end of your eye color should be very close to your eyebrows.  Mark this point lightly with your pencil eye liner.  Take your eye shadow and fill in from top lid to the line you just marked.

2. Cat Smoked

smokey cat eye makeup

Take a black, gel-based eyeliner with a flat, broad tip.  Line your upper eyelid and extend on the outer corners, letting the flat tip define the end.  Extend on the inner corners as well with a pointed edge. Line the lower lids as well.  Imagine your eyelid cut in half.  Take your eyeliner and make a mark from the top half of your eyelids, all the way to the cat’s eye you drew on your top eye line.  Make it a sexy, curvy line.  Color the outer corners with a black eye shadow.  Fill in the inner half with a much lighter eye shadow in nude shade.

3. Moderately Smoky

moderately smokey eye makeup

Line your eyelids with gel-based eyeliner. Follow through with a pencil.  Line the lower half of your top eyelids with grey or deep blue eye shadow, then create a gradient by filling in the remaining top half with contrastingly light, ideally nude, shade or two.

4. Soft Smoky

soft smokey eye

Line your eyelids with a black pencil eyeliner or eye shadow.  Make a gradient of nude colors.  If you choose brown shades, place the dark brown tint closest to your eyelids, then gradually move up using the next two lighter shades.

5. Metallic smoked

metallic smokey eye

Follow any of the steps in 1, 2 or 3 above, this time using metallic shades.

In all of these techniques, don’t forget to add eyelash drama to your smoky eyes.  Extend with falsies or, get an eyelash extension beforehand.  Shape and fill in your eyebrows well. 


These tips and tricks of eye makeup are here to stay, and it’s time you enjoyed this classy look in five different ways.  The secret is practice!  Choose one of these five-way smoky eyes tricks, one for each day of the week.

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 Author Bio:
Lisiana Carter is a beauty & makeup expert. She has been researching and studying various topics in beauty segment. She likes to get insights on various trends being followed in fashion industry. She has been sharing her knowledge by being contributor to various beauty, fashion and makeup related informative sites.