How to make Curly Hair Naturally – Style your Hair

natural ways to curly hair

Most of the time, it happens that women or girls who have straight hair wants curly hair and the girls or women who have curly hair wants straight hair. Everyone wants something for their but without damaging it. Thus, it become very important to treat your hair very carefully as well as tries to perform such activities with your hair which is natural and safe. There are some natural techniques through which you can curl your hair naturally. The hot tools can dry your hair as well as you can face the problem of split ends.

How to Make Hair Curly Naturally Overnight?

Today’s world is completely depends upon the techniques but instead of that, most of the people are preferring home remedies or natural ways to solve their issues. Thus, one of them is how to make hair curly overnight naturally? There are many ways through which you can make your hair curly without damaging your hair. Some of the methods are describing below and you can try to get the better curls naturally.

The Headband Method:

  1. Wash your hair
  2. Make it dry
  3. Wear a stretchy headband over the crown, in the hippie style
  4. Take some part of your hair from the front side and tuck it into your headband
  5. Keep the hair little bit loose
  6. Now divide your hair in some section and follow the above process
  7. Keep your hair tucking until you finish your hair (or you reach to the back of the headband)
  8. After tucking all your hair, go to your bed and sleep
  9. When you wake up in the morning, take out your headband out
  10. Your hair will look curly and beautiful

The Sock Bun Method:

  1. If you want beautiful curly hairs then this method is amazing
  2. Make a ponytail
  3. Place a sock at the end of your hair
  4. Roll it up and over the sock
  5. Once it done, leave it
  6. Now you can sleep, it is easy to sleep with soak because it is soft and no need to use any clips
  7. When you wake up in the morning, remove sock from your hair. Now you have voluminous and curly hair

The “Beard” Method:

  1. Separate your hair in two parts
  2. Twist each and pull the twisted curls in front
  3. Keep them as two different curls
  4. Use a hair band to secure them or keep it in a proper manner
  5. Keep twisting the hair and loosely tie the two curls together at the bottom (it look like that you are wearing a beard)
  6. Now open your hair in the morning to get a lovely curly hairs

Paper Bag Curls Method:

  1. Cut the paper bag into stripes
  2. Wrap small part of your hair very tightly around every strip
  3. Tie the ends of strip together
  4. Repeat this process all around your head
  5. Open it in the morning to get wavy and curly hair

Twist & Pin Method:

  1. Get your hair wet
  2. You have to twist your hair quickly, before your hair get dries
  3. Divide your hair in several section
  4. Twist each section away from the face
  5. Pin the twisted hair up into a small knot
  6. If you want tighter curls then take small-small sections of your hair
  7. Or if you want loose curls then take large sections of hairs
  8. After completing the process, you can sleep and in morning open the pin to get curly hairs

Pin Curls Method:

  1. Wrap your hair around the finger in the direction of your hair
  2. Pin it down
  3. You can easily sleep in the pin curls or you can leave it for few hours
  4. Open pin, it will give you a gorgeous hair

Baby Wipes Method:

  1. If you want ultra curly ringlets then this method will be best for you
  2. Wrap a section of your hair around every baby wipe
  3. Roll it upwards and tie in a place
  4. Baby wipes are already damp, so it is not required to wet your hair before starting this method
  5. You can sleep now and open it in the morning to get ultra curly ringlet hair
  6. You can use baby wipes again by spritz a little warm water on it

Soft Rollers Method:

  1. Take some soft rollers
  2. Divide your hair in some section
  3. Take one section of your hair, and start rolling with roller from the end of your hair
  4. Roll it upward
  5. Leave it for some time or you can sleep, if you want
  6. In morning, removes rollers from hair, so you will get the wavy, beautiful and curly hair


  • Try to add some hair styling products into hair before braiding or twisting it, this will keep the wavy hair for longer in the following day.
  • For quick and easy wavy hair, you can do one easy process i.e. just you have to separate that hair down the middle and then braid it. Ensure that your hair damp before doing this method.


  • The methods will not work with all hair types
  • Try different-different natural methods to get curly hairs
  • If your hair do not hold waves or curl easily then your hair style will not long lasting

If you also want the curly hair naturally, then these are the few methods which are described above. You can easily follow every method and for that you just have to follow each and every step properly. I know, these natural methods take lots of time but I am also sure about it that these methods deliver a positive result without damaging your hair.

So, what are you waiting for? Try any method to look different among your friends or colleagues. You will get amazing, wavy and beautiful curly hairs overnight and in a natural way.

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