How to Achieve Perfection in Running – Striving for Excellence

jogging woman

Are you a runner who is interested in achieving greatness? Are you always looking for the next opportunity to break the world record?

If you answered a resounding “yes” to either of these questions, then look no further! You’re not alone among fellow runners in striving for nothing but the best in the sport, whether it’s to get into top shape, achieve stellar race times, or just be an all-around athlete.

That said, we’re here to help you out! In this article, we’ll break down just what you need to do in order to a great runner. We’ll give you tips on how to be a perfect girl through running, and we hope to inspire you to get out there and do your best.

#1.  Set a goal

No dream is achieved without having a solid idea of how to go about doing it. Even more so, not having a plan makes it harder to keep you motivated, and after a short period of time, you just might feel like giving up.

Hence, it’s important to have a goal in mind, so that you can create a clear pathway towards obtaining it. Interested in running that marathon? Want to break your personal record in track and field? Have something to hold on to while you train and practice, and it’ll give you a reason to continue working out and getting closer to becoming fit and ready for any obstacles in your way!

#2.  Create a workout schedule

Once you have a set goal, the next thing is to create a good workout regimen to get there. If you’re a beginner to running, start small with fewer miles to get your body used to the sport. If you’re already at a comfortable level of running, then increase the distance and amount of times you work out per week.

One useful item to have is a daily planner, so you can write in your workouts on paper, thereby making it harder to ignore the task when it comes to doing it. Plus, you get that satisfactory feeling when you cross it off from the list at the end of the day- it’s very rewarding!

#3.  Be consistent

Benefits of Running

Even if you have a goal and a workout schedule, nothing gets done if you don’t go around making things happen! There’s no excuse to hitting that snooze button when you ought to be hitting the pavement before work; don’t be that person who chooses to skip a run just because you’re “too tired” to do so.

Instead, what matters is that you have a consistent workout schedule, for it helps you stay focused when the going gets rough—while running and in real life—and pushes you to do your best every single time.

#4.  Have support

While it’s true that running can be an individual sport, it’s even better to have others like you beside you in the process of achieving your dreams. By having support from other athletes, as well as family and friends, it helps you stay motivated and inspired, especially when you aren’t feeling particularly confident in yourself (trust us; it happens from time to time)

Additionally, having fellow runners with you on runs is a great opportunity to push yourself, as well as each other, to get better and get ready for race days. They’re great for honing in your running skills while also providing excellent moral support; consider them your personal cheerleaders!

#5.  Eat well

It’s not just about training hard every day, but also having a good diet. You can’t expect yourself to become a better runner if you eat junk food all of the time. Incorporate more-balanced dishes into your everyday meals: especially load up on fruits and vegetables, complex carbohydrates (e.g. whole wheat), and lots of lean protein, particularly chicken and eggs. Of course, you can’t forget your dairy products, too!

By eating well, you perform well, and that’s what will help you feel in optimal shape not only in running, but also in your day-to-day activities. It’s time to dig in1

#6.  Take care of your body

General as this reason might seem, it’s true that, besides taking care of your body through exercise and a good diet, you should also take good care of it when things start getting more challenging.

Perhaps you get injured while training for a marathon or maybe you’re feeling especially fatigued after a short run. While pushing yourself to run faster and harder is good for improving, it’s also good to know when your body can’t take it and tone down the workout regimen. What’s more important is that you let your body heal than running through the pain, for chronic injury is never desirable at any cost! Listen to your body, and in the end, it’ll pay off.

#7.  Get equipment

It isn’t a matter of getting the most expensive running shoes, but rather good, durable ones that can last you through long, intense workouts while also feeling comfortable. This is the same for other running equipment, such as a stopwatch or a running backpack: find what you need and don’t need for your runs, depending on the distance, the intensity, and everything in between.

As said, you don’t need to fork over a ton of money for these items: many of them are actually readily available at your local sports store for a good price. Try them on before purchasing, to make sure that they are what you need.


In order to achieve perfection in running, it comes down only to a few, simple steps to get there. From setting goals to sticking with them, making an effort to improve your performance from start to finish is the most important aspect of all, and eventually, you’ll begin to see the results from your hard work. That said, you can be sure that everything will pay off soon!

Happy running, folks!

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