How can I make my hair color last longer?

keep your hair color from fading

After coloring our hair, the main concern is about color fading, everyone wants to avoid fading of hair color. Is it possible? Yes, it is. But for that you are required to perform few activities and keep some tips in your mind.

Home remedies to keep hair color from fading

It is one of a big issue among people who apply hair color because they face the  color fading issue. the reason why they look for some solution to keep it for long. There are many ways through which you can keep your hair color stay for long and also glowing and vibrant. Here, I am sharing my personal experience to maintain hair color long. Below are the simple and easy way for above mentioned problem.

It is very important to protect our hair but unfortunately most of us are not aware of it and later it becomes annoying. though it not possible to keep it for life time yet you can control it from getting fade as per your satisfaction.

The effective ways will allow you to keep your hair color from fading and make your tresses beautiful, vibrant and glowing for a long time.

1. Try to avoid shampoo after colouring your hair

If you want to avoid fading issue then you are advised not to use shampoo immediately after coloring. On the other hand, you can try pre color shampoo depending on your choice before coloring your hair because it works like a cleaning and clean your hair properly.  it is better to use color protection shampoos if you are worried about dry hair.

2. Wash Hair with Cold Water

After applying color on hair, wash it with cold water instead of warm to avoid elasticity and stretch of hair, it may wash the color pigments. Cold water maintain the color of hair for long. Therefore, it is an effective way to stop color fading issue and keep it for long time.

3. Try to Avoid the Using of Hair Styling Products

It is another way to protect hair from fading. Don’t use hair sprays or any kind of hair styling products so that you could protect your hair color from removing because it is not safe as it absorbs moisture from hair and may damaged it and allow it to get dry. And as you know dry and damaged hair can not keep the hair dye for a long time and this lead your hair to get fade soon comparatively.

4. Don’t Use Hot Appliances

Hot appliances are harmful for hair as well as it may fade your hair color easily. If you want to prevent it then better not to use such hot appliances like hot blow dryer or hot iron to make your hair dry, curl or straighten. These appliances will remove the moisture from hair and make your hair dry due to which color fades quickly.

5. Try to Avoid Sunlight

If you have applied hair dye and want to keep it for long then better avoide sunlight because the hot and penetrating sun rays can become major cause of fading your hair color quickly. So, better cover your hair if you are going out.

6. Avoid Chlorinated Water

most of us like to swim but you should know that the water in pool contained high amount of chlorine. Chlorine is an enemy for hair dye and quickly removes it from the hair. So it is recommended to wear swimming cap to keep your hair safe.

7. Opt A Professional Dye

Opt some professional dye instead of common. Lots of hair dye products are available in the market but you are required to chose the most appropriate one and if you want can even seek advise from a professionals so that your hair dye could stay for long.

8. Mild Shampoo

Use mild shampoo on regular basis will protect hair color. Be precise while choosing shampoo, try to use sulfate free shampoo, it will remove the extra sebum as well as impurities without removing the color.

Don’t use alcohol contained hair styling products so that you could protect your hair from damage.

These are the few tips that you can follow on a regular basis, it will maintain your hair color for long and protect it from getting fade. If you want to carry on you hair color then better avoid coloring your hair frequently.

Does diet plays any role to keep hair healthy ?

Of course, diet plays a very important role in keeping your hair healthy. Balance diet and appropriate nutrient are required for the healthy hair and as you know healthy hair will retain hair dye from fading.  Thus, it is very important to have a balance and nutritional diet on a regular basis.

Use appropriate shampoo and conditioner as it contains chemicals which could harm your hair and make it dry. So, it is very important to opt correct shampoo and conditioner for your hair mainly when it is a matter of colored hair.

Keep these small tips in your mind to keep hair color for a long time as well as it makes your hair healthy, vibrant and glorious.

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