9 Effective Ways to increase Hair Volume Naturally

Hair Volume

Now a days, hair loss in one of a common problem among all age people. Whether, a man or woman, a person is kid, young or old, everyone is facing the hair fall problem. it makes an impact on a person’s physical appearance. Thinning hair or balding is a problem that people want to resolve it as soon as possible. so we have secret remedies to increase hair volume naturally.

There are many factors which are responsible for the thinning hair and some of the factors are excessive stress (physical or mental), pollution, work pressure, nutritional deficiencies, allergies, hormonal imbalance, use of inappropriate hair products, excessive use of chemical contained products, heredity or poor hair care routine. If you are also facing a thinning hair problem then no need to buy expensive products plus it is also not required to spend lots of money on expensive treatments. Instead of these treatments you can try home remedies which will help you to get thicker hair and increase hair volume naturally. These are the small and simple tips that are used to increase hair volume naturally.

Home remedies to increase hair volume naturally are as follows –

1. Olive oil for hair growth

olive oil hair

Olive Oil can do wonders for your hairs. It will increase hair volume and soften & strengthen your hair in a natural manner. To avail its benefits, you have to warm it then massage your scalp and hair with warm olive oil. Leave oil for 45 minutes then wash off your hair with mild shampoo. It would be good, if you can leave olive oil overnight then in the next morning, wash your hair with shampoo. Apply oil every alternate day or at least two times in a week.

2. Aloe vera for hair growth

aloe vera for hair

Aloe Vera is an amazing home remedy for hair and other skin type problems. It’s gel is easily available in home as well as in market. If you are looking for a natural way through which you can get thick hair plus control the hair fall, then aloe vera gel is a best remedy. It has all the nutrients that will nourish and moisturize your scalp and hair, these nutrition will grow your hairs well. Apply it’s gel on your scalp and hair, leave it for 60 minutes then wash it with shampoo. By the time, your hair will become thick and long.

3. Egg mask for hair growth

egg for hair

Why Egg?  Egg is a great source of protein and it is essential to build the volume and length of hair. Make a simple hair mask of eggs, for that you just have to break egg, mix white and yellow part thoroughly. Wet your hairs then apply the mixture on your wet hair, leave the mask for 10-15 minutes. After that wash your hair with shampoo but don’t forget to use lukewarm water for washing your hair. For best result, apply this mask 1 or 2 times every week.

4. Fenugreek seeds for hair benefits

fenugreek seeds for hair

Fenugreek seeds are also known as Methi. It makes hair smooth, long and thick. Methi seeds have all the essential ingredients which is required for the gorgeous hair. Soak a handful fenugreek seeds in water for full night. In morning, grind the seeds and make a paste of it. Apply the paste on your hair and leave that mask for one hour. After an hour, wash your hair with water. This mask will prevent dandruff and give you a better hair growth.

5. Amla (Gooseberry) for Hair

gooseberry for hair

Gooseberries are also renowned as Amla and it is a rich source of vitamin C. Amla has anti microbial and anti inflammatory properties. Eat 1 amla daily, it will nourish your body and strengthen it. If you want to make amla pack, then you need some dried amla, boil the dried amla with 4 tablespoon of coconut oil. Massage your hair with this mask and leave it overnight. Next morning, wash off your hair with shampoo. This mask will make your hair healthy, longer and thicker.

6. Henna Powder for Hair Growth

henna for hair

Henna adds an amazing colour to your hair plus it also increase hair volume naturally. Take handful leaves of henna, soak it in water. Make a fine paste of henna powder with curd and tea decoction. Leave it mixture in a bowl for few hours (2-3 hours), then apply this mixture on your hair. Once it get dries then rinse off with water. It is considered as one of a best home remedy and it also promote hair growth, cover white or grey hair and increase the hair volume naturally.

7. Flaxseed for Hair 

flax seeds for hair

If you are seeking home remedy for longer and healthy hair then Flax seeds is one of a best choice. It is rich source of omega 3 fatty acids and fiber. To prepare a mask, you need 2 tablespoon flax seed powder, soak that powder in normal water for a couple of hours. Once it becomes a paste, then with the help of cotton ball, apply this mask on your hair and leave it for 10 minutes. After that wash your hair with warm water. For the best result, apply this mask once in a week for few weeks.

8. Castor Oil for Hair Growth

castor oil for hair growth

If you want easiest way for thicker hair then massage your scalp with castor oil regularly, it will definitely work and thick your hair naturally. It also protect the hair from hair fall. It is rich in fatty acids and vitamin E which promote the hair growth naturally. To make a mixture, you need equal amount of castor oil & coconut oil, heat it. Apply the mixture of both oil on your hair and scalp in circular motion. After applying the oil, cover your hair with towel (towel should be wet with warm water). Leave the oil in your hair for 1 hour, after that wash your hair with shampoo. If you want thick hair then follow this process once in a week.

9. Balanced Diet for Healthy Hair

balanced diet for healthy hair

For better hair, good and healthy diet is very important. Balanced diet will improve the hair growth and increase the hair volume. Balanced diet includes the vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates and fats in an appropriate amount. You can also perform some exercise which will boost the circulation; it will also help in the growth of hair naturally.

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