Home Remedies for Long Thick Hair

long thick hair treatment

How to get Thicker and Longer hair Naturally ?

Every woman loves to have thick and long hair as it enhances their physical appearance. But due to certain physical or mental stress like hormonal imbalance or depression, thick and long hair remains a dream for many. If you are suffering from such a hair issue, follow these easy natural and homemade tricks, which help grow thick and long hair.

Have a look at these tricks.

Eat healthy foodeat healthy food

Excess hair fall and thinning are indication of poor health. Add Vitamin A, B, C and E-rich foods in your diet. Also include protein, zinc and iron. Vitamin E is mostly essential for hair growth.

Give scalp massage regularlyhair scalp

Regular massages help carry the nutrients and maintain blood circulation to the scalp and get stress relieve. Use simple coconut oil, fenugreek seed or mixture of different oils like jojoba and almond. Coconut oil is especially known as a good conditioner for hair.

Regular hair washregular hair wash

Dirt and pollution are the worst cause of hair damage. Wash your hair at least twice every week. Always pick the shampoo that suits your hair needs, based on your hair type.

Deep-conditioningdeep conditioning hair care

Deep conditioning is evenly very important. Whether you have normal, oily or dry hair, always use conditioner after the wash. It basically puts the moisture lost during wash. It adds softness, strengthens and improves hair health.

Try homemade shampoohome made shampoo care tips

Homemade shampoo plays a vital role in growing long hair. To make this shampoo, take 1 tablespoon of baking soda and 1 cup of water. Mix both ingredients in an equal measure into the container. Repeat the process till the container is full.

Spray the mixture gently on to the hair. Massage the scalp well to remove all dirt for 1or 2 minute. Then wash thoroughly. You will be surprised to see its amazing effects.

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