Tips to do pedicure at home with natural ingredients

pedicure at home

How to Do Pedicure at Home ?

Our daily hectic and tight schedule give rise of stress and we people rather trying to come out crib it without giving even single thought that how dangerous it could be. Have you ever notice the roll play of your feet? Of course great! From wake up to sleep, home to office or any other activities in between our feet plays a major role and this daily up and down process of your feet make you feel tired your tiredness gives rise of stress and anxiety.  So don’t you think? That we should take consideration towards our feet also so that we could get rid of all the tension and feel relax and the pedicure is the best solution.

And today we are going to demonstrate you How we can Feel Relax with the Help of Pedicure.

DIY Pedicure

diy pedicure

There is no formula as good as the pedicure to beautify your legs. You can do it for your side at your home. For a DIY routine, you need to have these items –

  1. Nail Brush
  2. Pumice Stone
  3. Loofah
  4. Nail Cleaner
  5. File
  6. A Heavy Duty Moisturizing Cream
  7. Cuticle Pusher
  8. Nail Cutter
  9. Herbal Shampoo
  10. Acetone
  11. Lemon Slices
  12. Marigold Flower
  13. A Tube of Hot Water
  14. Honey and Flowers

And once you are arranged with all the above items, follow this step by step guide.

1. Clean your Nails

diy toe nail cleaner

Take your acetone and clean your nails. Then cut and file them. Keep their shape and length according to your requirement.

2. Massage with Cream or Honey

honey massage

Massage your nails with a little honey or cream. Take a tube of hot water. Add some fresh lemon slices and marigold petals to it. Dip your legs into it.

3. Use Pumice Stone

pumice stone

Once your feel that your skins and nails have softened, take the brush and clean the nails. Then dislodge dead skins on the heel with pumice stone. Pat dry and clean the nails with a cleaner and cuticle pusher.

4. Remove tan

remove tan

Remove tan by rubbing the lemon slices on the skin. Use your towel to pat dry.

5. Smooth out Dead Skin

soft feet

Now it’s the time for smoothing out your dead skin. Use the loofah.

  1. Mix 2 teaspoon each of honey and cream
  2. Massage well the skin
  3. Wipe off by using hot towels

Now you are done.

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