7 Effective Home Remedies For Winter Skin Care – Beinggirlish

winter skin care tips

Tips to keep skin soft and glowing in winter

Winter comes and your skin turns dry, itchy and flaky. The reason is a fall in humidity level during winter. Many of us seek for moisturizer or other cosmetics that could help our skin. But before spending out your money for such products, think about natural home remedies. The natural and low cost remedies work magical on dry skin.

Here are some easy-to-do natural homemade skincare tips for winter:

Lemon and honey

Squeeze half lemon. Add 2 table spoon of honey. Mix well. Apply it on your face with cotton ball. It helps soothe itchy and irritated skin during cold winter.

Coconut oilcoconut for hair dandruff

Coconut oil makes the skin soft. It also moisturizes the skin naturally. In winter apply, coconut oil to your skin at night before sleep.

Papaya face packpapaya facepack

Take papaya pulp. Mix it with mashed banana. Add 2 table spoon of honey to the mixture. Apply it all over face and body. This pack helps revitalize the skin and make soft as younger looking.

Sunflower Oilsunflower oil

Sunflower oil is rich in vitamins and fatty acid. It helps make your skin younger and hydrate. Apply sunflower oil on your body before going to sleep.

Milk and Milk Creammilk and milk cream

Milk has soothing property, which moisturizes skin. Milk cream is rich in lactic acid. It helps maintain dry skin. Mix a few drops of lemon juice, a tea spoon of milk and two teaspoon of milk cream. Rub it on your body. Leave it for 10-15 minutes. Then take a shower. Do this once daily and enjoy younger looking skin.

Honey honey

Honey is one of the best natural moisturizers. It helps to make your skin extra soft and smooth. Before taking a bath, gently massage honey all over your body . Steep it for 5 to 10 minutes. Repeat it daily. It makes your skin well-moisturized.

Olive Oil

Olive oil contains healthy fatty acids and antioxidants that good for your skin. About half an hour before taking bath, rub gently olive oil on your body. It soothes and conditions dry skin all over your body.

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