How to use Fenugreek Seeds for Hair | Methi For Hair

fenugreek seed for hair

Fenugreek Seeds is an important part of our kitchen. It is also known as Methi seeds. It has its own benefits, but this surely delight you in several ways. If you have hair problems, then fenugreek seeds for hair is the most cost effective or money saving remedy as well as it will end your all hair problems.

What Hair Problems can be resolved by Fenugreek Seeds?

The common hair problems which are faced by every second person are Hair fall, Dandruff and Hair Dullness. These problems are occurred due to the pollution, mental and physical stress plus lack of nutrition in the body. In this scenario, fenugreek seeds comes in a picture because it has high content of nicotinic and protein that prevent hair fall as well as promote hair growth. Hence, these seeds can do lots of wonders for hair.

What Fenugreek Seeds Contained?

Fenugreek seeds contained several nutrition elements which are beneficial for skin, Health and Hair, It contained:

  • Iron: Good for Blood Vessels
  • Nicotinic Acid: It Prevent Hair Loss & Promote Hair Growth
  • Potassium: Prevent from Grey Hairs
  • Lecithin: Treat Sensitive Scalps, Nourish & Strength Hair
  • Protein: Prevent from Baldness
  • Vitamin C: Boost Immunity

Methods to Use Fenugreek Seeds (Methi Seeds) for Hair?

It is a most common question among the people because the users are not aware that how to use fenugreek seeds for hair problem? It is very important to use methi seeds in a proper manner or with a combination of other elements to avail the positive benefits of it. Most importantly, the people who use these seeds in a proper manner will be able to get the positive outcome.

It has been used from longer time to cure the hair problems, so if you are thinking about to use these seeds but you have doubt about the side effects then it would be good news for you that fenugreek seeds is a natural remedy which has no side effects and you can use it without any second thought.

1. Mask to Reduce Hair Fall

If you want to reduce hair fall, then you must have to apply this mask on your hair. To prepare this mask, you need


  1. 2 spoon coconut oil and
  2. 3 spoon methi powder,

mix both together to make a paste. After that, apply mask on your scalp, leave for 30 minutes then rinse off your hair with shampoo.

If you like to prepare another mask to lessen hair fall then you need 1 cup water and half cup methi seeds. Soak methi seeds in the water overnight, in morning make a paste of seeds by grinding it. Apply the paste on your scalp, cover your hair with shower cap and then wash your hair after 45 minutes.

2. Mask to Reduce Dandruff

Do you want to get rid of dandruff ? If yes, then apply these masks:-

To make a mask, you need


  1. half cup thick curd and
  2. two spoon methi seeds.

Immerse the fenugreek seeds in the curd overnight. Then in morning, grind it properly and make a paste. Apply the paste on your scalp and use the remaining curd to cover your hair completely. Cover your hair with the help of shower cap and leave your hair in this condition for minimum half hour or maximum 1 ½ hour, then rinse off with water and shampoo. With the regular use of this mask, you will get rid of dandruff and your hair becomes more shiny and soft.

To prepare another hair pack, you need


  1. 3 spoon lemon juice and
  2. 3 spoon methi powder.

It is an easiest and simple mask to treat dandruff problem. To prepare mask, you just have to mix lemon juice and methi seeds powder thoroughly. After that apply the mixture on your scalp, leave it for 30 minutes then wash your hair. Apply this mixture two times in a week to get a positive result or to treat the dandruff problem.

3. Mask to Add Shine and Increase Hair Volume

Do you want extra shiny, smooth and long hair? If your answer is yes, try this hair pack:-


  1. 3 spoon methi powder and
  2. 3-4 spoon coconut oil,

mix both ingredients and apply on your scalp. After 30 minutes wash your hair with shampoo and apply conditioner on it. Repeat this procedure at least two times in a week.

4. Mask for Itchy Scalp

Fenugreek Seeds are also beneficial for itchy scalp. It cause irritation and some time due to itchy scalp, we have to face embarrassment, when we are in the crowd of people.


  1. 2 spoon methi seeds,
  2. 4-5 spoon sesame oil (til ka tel) and
  3. handful tulsi leaves.

Grind some tulsi leaves and mix sesame oil in it. After that heat the mixture on low flame and then add methi seeds. Once it starts to crunch, switch off the gas. Let the solution cool and strained it. Apply the solution on your hair and leave for a couple of hours, after that wash your hair. Apply this procedure at least once in a week.

Fenugreek for Hair

  1. Never throw the water which has utilized for soaking methi seeds. Because that water
    can be used as a hair rinse to convey shiny and soft hair.
  2. Be careful while washing your hair after applying the hair mask of fenugreek seeds because sometime it may be stubborn, so be careful while using the hair mask of it.
  3. If you want healthy, shiny, long and gorgeous hair then include fenugreek seeds in your hair care routine.

If you want to avail the benefits, then you must have to apply these Home Remedies or Hair Packs. These hair packs will definitely deliver a positive outcome for your hair within a few weeks but you have to apply the hair pack on regular basis.

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