30 Effective eating habits that reduce weight – Try these habits in your daily routine


Eating Habits for flat stomach

Everyone likes to eat food but it become quite irritating for him when someone say “eat this, not that”. Mainly people say this thing because they are afraid of belly fat and these fat get deposit firstly on tummy, so very less time is required for making a stomach to a tummy. Each and every person, either a person is man or woman, everyone wants flatter tummy because it makes his or her personality more attractive. The reason behind a big tummy is eating and then sitting all the time as well as no physical activities are performed during a day.

Who faces a tummy problem?

People who are doing job or having a business in which they have to sit all the time are facing this problem and due to their hectic schedule they are not able to perform any kind of physical activities
like exercise, yoga, walking, etc. due to which their flat stomach becomes a big tummy. In this case, people are looking for eating habits that will help them to get a flatter tummy.

Here are 30 easy eating habits for a flatter tummy:

1. Include Diuretics in your food

Lemon is a best diuretic that you can incorporate in your diet. Lemon juice is an impeccable option for a flatter tummy. You can take lemon in your food or include lemon juice in your daily routine.

2. Lemon Tea

lemon tea fat loss

Lemon tea can help you to lose weight and make you more fit as well as give you a great and perfect personality.

3. Eat in Small Plate

Yes, you are wondering that how could it help you in losing unwanted fat. But surely it will help you, when you are in a part or at friend’s place then have a food in small plate because if you take a big plate then you will have more food and you will eat more food. And it is true that a person will consume less food when he or she takes in a small plate.

4. Eat in Red Plates

It is quite quirky but it is really workable. Red color will give an indication to stop that means when you eat in red plate then you will remember that you have to eat less food.

5. Try to Avoid Buffet System

Try to follow your family tradition i.e. serving of food instead of using buffet system.

6. Be Conscious with your Eating Activities

When you are eating try to avoid watching TV, eat in a relaxing environment and play some music, all these things will give you an amazing atmosphere and while when you are conscious when eating then you will eat less food and you will chew food more, it will help you to give the real taste of food.

7. Chew your Food More

chewing food 40 times

Chew your food 20 times before swallowing because when you consume fast, you will swallow air that causes the stomach bloat.

8. Avoid Overeating

When you are having snacks or food which is highly in salts and sugar, try to eat from the plate instead of pack or box, it will save you from the overeating. Food that has high in sugar and salt will lead to stomach bloat.

9. Fiber rich and high source protein

 Have Fiber rich and high source protein food in your diet.

10. Use Chopsticks

It is a conscious eating tip (when you eat with the help of chopsticks then you will take smaller bites and chew it in a proper manner).

11. Eat Salad

If you want flat tummy, then you should have to intake less calories and for that you have to consume less food. So before starting your lunch or dinner, eat salad in good amount, it will lessen your hunger and give you a flatter tummy.

12. Avoid Food at a Single Time

Try to avoid a huge amount of food at a single time, instead of that take small-small diet in some interval of time.

13. Walk

walk best way to reduce belly fat

After having your breakfast, lunch or dinner go for a small walk, if can’t spend lots of time on walk then go for at least 5 minute walk.

14. Sprouts 

Sprouts have a nutrition that is required for a body, so incorporate sprouts in your routine diet.

15. Garlicgarlic

Add garlic in your diet, you can include it in your food or in drink; it will help you lose your unwanted fat from a body.

16. Green Chilly

Green chilly is also help to burn the fat, but it is advisable to people to take it as per their health because some people can’t eat chillies due to some health issue. Include juices in your diet.

17. liquid consumption

As liquid consumption will help you to digest the food properly and in efficient manner, thus it will reduce the chances of weight expansion.

18. Walk and Talk

After taking lunch or dinner, you can walk while talking with your friends or family members

19. Eat Cucumber

For flatter tummy, eat cucumber as much as possible

20. Turn off electronic devices

turn off electronics device

Turn off all electronic devices like cell phones, laptop, TV, etc. while eating, just concentrate on your food

21. Drink water

If you feel hungry in the middle of a day, then you can drink water it will reduce your hunger and you can overcome on your hunger, For flatter tummy, you should have to drink 8 to 10 ounces of water as soon as you wake up.

22. Fruits & Fresh Foods

Try to have an apple or other fruits in your breakfast,  Eat clean and real food, it means use real food instead of food that contained added preservatives, sugar or flavoured, While buying some product, read its label properly and buy a product which has less sugar contained.

23. Proper Sleep

Get proper sleep for a good personality

24. Egg & Soup

Eat one egg daily, it is a perfect protein source,  Veggie soup is a good option for losing weight

30. Soybean

Include soybean in your daily diet (at least 25 grams)

These are the best ways that you should have to try to get flatter tummy.

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