5 Home Remedies Tips to Cure Tooth Cavity

cure tooth decay

How to get rid of tooth cavities naturally ?

Do you have a complaint of tooth cavities or whitening teeth? Well, it could be because of certain junk foods that you have been taking. Tooth cavity, these days, is more common than we think. The case of it is higher than before. Most of us believe that it needs higher level of oral care to cope with changing food habits.
Have no worry as long as you follow these easy and simple home remedy tips. You can treat your tooth cavity on a natural way.

Follow these best home remedy tips given here:

Cloveclove benefits

Using a mixture of clove oil and black pepper powder helps treat tooth cavities. Take 2 teaspoons of clove oil and ¼ teaspoons of black pepper powder. Mix them well. Use this mixture to brush your teeth. You will recover from tooth cavities.

Garlicgarlic cures toothache

Make a paste of 3 – 4 garlic cloves and 1/4th teaspoon of rock salt. Apply this paste on the infected teeth. Practice it daily 2 to 3 times in a day. You can also rub your teeth with garlic for a quick result. Doing it regularly results a permanent effective result.

Lemon Juice & Asafoetida Powderasafoetida powder and lemon juice benefits

Mix lemon juice with asafoetida powder (4 teaspoons lemon juice, half teaspoon of asafoetida powder). Take a cotton ball. Dip it into the mixture and rub your teeth on a daily basis. It helps reduce the problem of tooth cavities. Or you can also chew a slice of lemon along with its skin.

Oniononion cures tooth cavities

Like garlic, onion is also an effective remedy to treat tooth cavity. Place a slice of onion on the infected tooth. It helps relieve your toothache. If you consume onion on a regular basis, it gives effective result. It is advisable to consume food items containing onion. It is good for your teeth.


Cheese is an excellent home remedy for your teeth. Consume cheese directly or add cheese in your meals in order to gain fast relief from tooth cavity.

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