Easy Recipes To Cut Calories – Diet Food Recipes


#4.  Banana and Almond Butter Toast


This is a tasty and simple morning meal, with an average of 3 healthy and low-calorie foods for breakfast. The whole grain bread together with the bananas are rich in resistant starch, which helps in boosting metabolism.

On the other hand, the almond butter provides healthy monosaturated fats together with a hunger-curbing protein. One slice of this healthy toast contains fewer than 250 calories but it will keep you full and satisfied, until lunch time.

#5.  Banana and Honey Grapefruit

If you want to maintain your slim physique or you just want to trim down, a tropical fruit salad should always be part of your daily menu. It can be consumed as a side dish during brunch or served as the main meal during breakfast. According to studies, grapefruits have been identified as some of the most powerful when it comes to weight loss.

This is attributed to its high effect on insulin, a hormone that regulates fat storage in the body. Additionally, grapefruit is also very satisfying and filling. It has a very high water concentration. More than 90% of its weight is composed of water. You can use some of the best juicers on the market to extract the banana smoothie, and then mix it with grapefruit.

#6.  Herb Hummus and White Bean

White Bean

If you are tired of the bland hummus available at the supermarket, then you can prepare yours in less than fifteen minutes in your own kitchen. Hummus is rich in fiber. To prepare this meal, you just need four recipes, which are olive oil, lemon, chives and white beans.

White beans also contain a high concentration of resistant starch. When combined with raw vegetables like broccoli, you will be giving your body more fiber, as well as fat burning resistant starch. Ensure that you use the right pots and pans to prepare this great meal.

#7.  Middle Eastern Rice Salad

This dish takes less than twenty minutes, from start to finish. It can be consumed as the main meal or even as a side dish. It is rich in nutritious ingredients as well as highly potent in fat burning. You just need to prepare half a cup of these beans and you will be giving your body enough fiber and protein, to keep you filled up, without adding unnecessary calories and fat.

#8.  Quinoa


Quinoa is one of the most popular foods in the world today, among health and fitness enthusiasts. The main reason behind its popularity is that it is rich in protein and fiber. This is the perfect combination for those individuals who want to keep their metabolism high and stay energized throughout the day.


This dish should then be rounded off with black beans fragrant spices and fresh veggies, to make it satisfying while keeping fiber levels to a maximum. It can be taken as a side dish during dinner or the main meal during lunch.

#9.  Curried Egg Salad Sandwich

curry egg salad

Eggs are ideal for dieters. They keep you feeling full for longer hours, while providing your body with the right balance of nutrients. Additionally, eggs are low in calories and tasty. This salad gives you a great means of incorporating eggs to your lunchtime meal, instead of taking those foods with high calorific value.

The eggs are then combined with low-fat Greek yoghurt instead of mayo, while the curry powder contains numerous antioxidants. You can also prepare a fruit parfait with Greek yoghurt, which will help you lose some extra pounds. The Greek yoghurt parfait provides a healthy combination of slimming protein and fiber.

Bottom Line 

Healthy recipes can provide a delicious means of losing weight. You don’t have to go through those rigorous regimes of eating foods that you don’t like or even starving yourself. With the above recipes, you can diet in a good way, while keeping your body weight at manageable and healthy levels.

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