10 Myths and Truths about Skincare Products

Myths and Truths about Skincare Products

Skin care products myths

In a world where looks are everything, keeping your complexion at its best is of the utmost importance for most women. With so many choices of products and plenty of people to tell you how to use them, what can you truly believe about skin care?

Myths vs. Truths

Cleanse your face at least twice per day, so say the makers of face cleansers.

Wrong. This is a myth because over cleansing can cause your skin to dry excessively. Most face cleansing products recommend using at least twice per day, but doing so only at night to deep clean is all that is necessary. You should also avoid using antibacterial soaps. These may too harsh for the delicate facial skin. When you wake, simply use water and massage over the face with your fingertips and forget the cleanser.
You only need one good moisturizer, just use more where you need it.
Wrong. By all means use a good moisturizer designed for the face. But your eyes, face, and neck all have very different issues. For instance, you may find that you have that sagging skin in your neck that makes you feel more like a turkey than a woman. You should try a well-blended cream designed just for the neck, such as Nectifirm, which is a blend of Bamboo, English Pea Extract and Glucosamine to help hydrate and tone the neck skin. Now that you know that a product like Nectifirm will solve you neck sagging problems, research those facial and eye cream a bit more for additional information.

Speaking of moisturizing, one size fits all with eye creams. Right?

Wrong again! You may have puffiness and dark circles, but your friend only has dry skin around her eyes. So you can use the same eye cream? No. Everyone has different issues that they alone must consider. For instance, if you have puffiness, select a good eye cream in gel form and keep in the fridge, and be sure is also has caffeine. This maximizes the effects.

Moisturizers will make all your wrinkles go away.

There is a big difference between dry, flaky skin and wrinkles. Moisturizers will help with the dryness and flaking…but underneath, they are still wrinkles. The best thing you can do for your wrinkles is after cleansing, use the best toner available if needed, then follow with a good moisturizer.

Video: How to Make Your Dry Skin Moist?

The more you use scrubs, the better your skin will glow and be smoother.

Wrong. Consider this: over exfoliating your skin can lead to excess oil production and can cause a terrible mess that you have to deal with later. You will probably find that regular cleansing, toning when needed and moisturizing will give you the best results.

Using a foundation with an SPF15 or better keeps you safe in the sun.

No. Wearing an SPF30 or more is much more to your advantage. And, unless you slather yourself with foundation, which most are not going to do, add that extra layer of protection.

Masks used overnight will provide you additional cleansing and exfoliate.

Exfoliating masks provide a potent dose of active ingredients and moisturizers which are great, but as with all things, too much isn’t always better. Overuse can cause skin breakouts and irritations. Let the experts to the testing.

If you don’t want to use masks to remove blackheads, try gentle pressing or to pull on your pores.

Not! This can cause scarring, pitting, redness, swelling and other issues that you don’t need. If blackheads are problems, use gentle peels with retinol to deep clean those pores.

Slathering on wrinkle cream will create better results

If you are using an antiaging cream with retinol, nighttime use only is sufficient and best, as the sun breaks down the retinol. Adding too much will create more problems, and you might develop irritations, redness, peeling and such. Use only once a day, safely.

Lastly, a word about routines…..Always cleanse, tone and moisturize!

Sure, you have always been told that this is the way to have beautiful skin. While generally speaking, it is, but everyone is different and toning everyday and night is probable not the healthiest approach. The oils are there as protectants for your skin, so leave some around for a while.
Hopefully, you have a better idea of how and what to do for your skin for it to remain healthy and glowing. It’s not hard, just treat it with care.

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Author Bio :
Katleen-BrownKatleen Brown is a health, beauty and fitness writer. She is a loves to publish her articles on various health related websites. In her spare time, she likes to do research to bring awareness. She follows Consumer Health Digest. Recognizing the unity of body, mind, and outlook, she helps empower women to tune into their innate & inner wisdom to transform their health and truly flourish. Get in touch with her on Google+, Pinterest and Twitter.