Natural Remedy for Mouth Ulcer

home remedies for mouth ulcers

Best home remedies for mouth ulcers

Are you suffering from mouth ulcer? Does it make it difficult for you to eat, drink and even talk? It’s quite common. Mouth ulcers are one of the most painful conditions. It gives a hard time for days. Several causes of it include deficiency in nutrition, stress, food allergy and even bowel infections. Though B-complex tablets or using a gel can help you treat the ulcer, health experts suggest home remedies. They are believed to cure the ulcer faster.

Here are a few tips :

Holy Basil (tulsi) :

Take 4 or 5 leaves of holy basil (tulsi). Chew them and drink water. Basil leaves help to cure mouth ulcers.

Fenugreek (methi) leaves :

Take fenugreek (methi) leaves. Boil them in some water. Take out the leaves from the water. Gargle your mouth with this water. Do it two to three times a day.

Raw Tomatoes :

Eat raw tomatoes. This is another way of get rid of mouth ulcers. You can also gargle using tomato juice.

Turmeric :

Mix a pinch of turmeric with a teaspoon of glycerine. Make a paste and apply it on the sores. It will help reduce the pain.

Coconut milk :

Do a gentle massage of the mouth ulcers with some coconut milk.

Gargle With Mouthwash :

Doing gargle with mouthwash is also an ideal option. Do it every day before going to bed at night and if possible after lunch. It not just prevents formation of mouth ulcers, but also stop bad breath.

Avoid Oily And Spicy Food :

Avoid taking oily and spicy food. Also don’t take hot liquids such as coffee and tea. All these things worsen the condition of the mouth ulcers.

Vitamin C and Calcium :

Health experts are of the view that a person with mouth ulcer should consume a diet which is rich in Vitamin C and calcium. For example, milk, yogurt, cottage cheese, and orange juice.

Apply Toothpaste or Backing Soda :

Apart from all these, you can also apply toothpaste or backing soda with water over the ulcer to get relief from the sores.

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