Tomato Weight Loss | Tomato Juice Benefits

tomatoes for weight loss benefits

As all we know that tomatoes are healthy for our body but do you know that it can help you to lose weight? It is absolutely true that it can help you to lose weight. A person who drinks one glass tomato juice daily for few weeks can trim the waistline as well as drop some noticeable pounds. You can lose weight without any other dietary, lifestyle or fitness changes. Tomatoes are amazing fruit and great for our health. It is the natural way to lose your weight and stay healthy.

Tomatoes and Weight Loss :

There is a strong connection between tomatoes and weight loss. There are numerous reasons tomatoes can help you to lose the weight.

1.  Tomatoes are extremely low in calories
2. Tomatoes are also low in fat and carbohydrates
3. Tomatoes are full of fiber
4.  Tomatoes have some natural sugars

Health Benefits of Tomatoes

Consume tomatoes to lose weight, as tomatoes have amazing weight loss benefits. Just plain tomatoes are also good for your body. It can reduce the risk of heart diseases because it contained high amount of Lycopene (very important antioxidants). Tomato juice also lowers the risk of arthritis, cancer, osteoporosis and more. They have high water content. Water helps you feel full, so there will be less chances of overeating.

The people who are planning to add tomatoes in a regular diet should have a question that what nutrients are in tomatoes? Tomatoes are high in nutrients that include vitamin A, vitamin E, vitamin K, phosphorous, iron, magnesium and all the B vitamins. Tomato nutrients improve the look and health of your nails, skin and hair as well as it also improves the overall health. Tomatoes are high in nutrient, so tomatoes act as a great immune system booster. Tomatoes can reduce inflammation and lower the blood pressure. In addition, tomatoes are also beneficial for those people who have joint issues or chronic pain.

Tomato Diet for Weight Loss

To gain the tomato benefits for weight loss, you should have to follow the proper diet. Moreover, you have to include the tomato in your regular dietary that means in your lunch, breakfast, snacks and dinner. So here is the tomato diet plan for weight loss:


1.  Drink tomato juice for weight loss. To prepare tomato juice, take 2 or 3 tomatoes, cut the tomatoes and remove the seeds. Now, grind the tomatoes with 2 tablespoon lemon juice, ½ tablespoon black pepper and 1 tablespoon honey as sweetener as well as add some water to make a fine juice. Drink tomato juice daily for weight loss.

2.  Alternatively, eat 2 or 3 sandwiches (add cucumber, tomato, carrot and cabbage slices in sandwiches). Also use pudina chatni (mint paste) instead of readymade sauce as well as add 2 pinch salt. Try to use brown bread. Drink ginger tea and add mint leaves and black pepper in tea, boil all ingredients together.

3.  Or you can eat 2 cooked or raw tomatoes on a daily basis. Add mint leaves or pudina chatni with pinch of salt. Drink ginger, black pepper and mint tea (boil ginger, mint leaves and black pepper together with water to make a tea)


  1.  Include tomato salad in your lunch. You can add cucumber, carrot and cabbage in your salad. Sprinkle the lemon juice and olive oil on your salad as well as you can add pinch of salt to enhance the taste of salad.
  2.  Or, sandwich bread, lettuce leaves and tomato slices.
  3.  50 g pasta sauce full of basil garlic, olive oil and tomatoes.


  1. A little tart, without batter. Cooked it in a layer of spinach, a layer of sliced boiled potatoes and peeled tomatoes thickly & scraped.
  2. Or, you can eat grilled mushrooms and tomatoes (no limit on quantity)
  3. Or, you can eat grilled vegetables (mushrooms, tomatoes, eggplant, and zucchini), sprinkle olive oil and lemon juice.

A Glass of Tomato Juice Daily Can Trim Your Waistline

Women who drink 1 glass tomato juice daily for 8 weeks will lose around 1 inch off their waistline; most importantly, one can easily lose weight without changing their diet or lifestyle. Consuming tomato on a daily basis will reduce the risk of heart diseases, cancer and depression. The people who drink tomato juice on a daily basis will be able to drop their cholesterol level about 10 percent.

Benefits of Tomato Juice 

1.  Tomato juice can help you to lose weight because it has low calories and essential nutrients
2.  Tomato juice aids the body to get the water it needs, which will help you to lose weight
3.  Tomato juice also help you to deal with the cravings
4.  Tomato juice is low in calories
5.  Tomato juice is low in sodium
6.  Tomato juice is high in fiber

Health Benefits of Tomato

1. Tomatoes are low in calories, tomato hold just 18 calories/100 g
2.  Low in fat and have zero cholesterol levels
3. Tomatoes are excellent source of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and dietary fiber
4. The antioxidants present in tomatoes protect the body from cancers that include lung, breast, prostate, colon and pancreatic tumors
5.  Lycopene is a powerful antioxidant which is present in tomatoes. Lycopene is helpful in weight loss
6.  Tomato contain good level of vitamin A
7. Tomatoes are also a good source of vitamin C
8. Fresh tomatoes are rich in potassium

9. Tomatoes also contained average level of vital B complex such as niacin, riboflavin, folates, thiamin
10. Tomatoes have essential minerals like manganese, calcium, iron and other traces elements

Conclusion –

There is no special recipe of tomato for losing weight but the best way to lose weight is to consume more and more tomatoes in your daily dietary. You can drink tomato soup for weight loss. Tomato soup is one of a best option to consume tomatoes. As my personal experience, I would recommend you to add tomatoes in salad, curd or in your vegetable. Thus, these are the easiest way to consume tomatoes.

Tomatoes are highly beneficial for weight loss but you should have to intake it in a proper manner and on a regular basis.

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